Photo of Kenneth L. Gibson Jr.
Photo of Kenneth L. Gibson Jr.
Photo of Kenneth L. Gibson Jr.


Is it time to seek a divorce?

Deciding to end a marriage is one of the most challenging decisions anyone can face. It involves not just the emotional turmoil of separating from a partner but also navigating the complexities of untangling shared lives. Many couples might spend months or even years...

The emotional impact of divorce on children

Divorce can have a significant emotional impact on children. Understanding and addressing their emotional needs during this challenging time is very important. Parents should go over some key points to help minimize the toll of divorce and help their children process...

Divorce involving adopted children

Divorce is a challenging process for any family, but when adopted children are involved, it requires an extra level of sensitivity and care. Adopted children may have unique emotional needs and concerns that must be addressed. It's vital to approach the situation with...


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Photo of Kenneth L. Gibson Jr.