Photo of Kenneth L. Gibson Jr.
Photo of Kenneth L. Gibson Jr.
Photo of Kenneth L. Gibson Jr.

Do You Really Need To Hire A Criminal Defense Attorney?

At Gibson Law Offices, one of the common questions we get from potential clients is if they really need an attorney to handle their criminal case. For the most part, any time you are charged with a crime, you need an experienced defense lawyer on your side.

We wanted to take some time to discuss some of the advantages of hiring us to handle your criminal defense case. This is just general information that should not be construed as legal advice. If you would like a more detailed analysis of the defense options available in your case, or what we can do to help you defend against these charges, give our Louisville office a call at 502-403-2798 or send us an email to schedule your free consultation.

You need someone on your side who knows how to navigate the system

From the first moments of arrest, people are working hard to help limit the options available to you. Law enforcement is gathering evidence to use at trial. Prosecutors are preparing their strategy to ensure that they are able to prove their case against you. You need to have someone doing the very same thing for you.

As your lawyer, Ken Gibson will prepare a strong defense strategy that helps you protect your rights against those who seek to convict you of these charges. Ken will examine the evidence and the charges, and determine how best to move forward. You will be an active participant in your case, being able to discuss what you feel is most important for you and your future.

The more serious the charges, the more serious the consequences

This is pretty obvious, but, some people do not understand what this really means. For example, some people may not realize the impact that a DUI conviction will have upon their life. There are the criminal penalties, but also the potential for the loss of job, increased insurance and other costs that they may not expect. So something that is as seemingly minor as a DUI can suddenly change a life.

For this reason, it is extremely important to reach out to us any time that you have been charged with a criminal offense. Our very first action in your case will be to examine your situation and help you understand exactly what is at risk for you, and what we can do to protect you from these negative consequences.

Should I hire you to handle my Louisville traffic ticket?

Traffic tickets are maybe the one exception to the above statement, at least in the Louisville area. The way that tickets are handled takes a lot of the guesswork out of things. There really isn’t much we can do unless you have been charged with a very serious driving offense such as reckless driving or driving while your license has been suspended.