Divorce procedures can take a long time which can be expensive and emotionally tiring. You may want to have your divorce finalized as soon as possible to move on with your life. An uncontested divorce, where the two parties agree on key issues, is often the quickest...
Month: March 2023
Why should you keep the details of your divorce off social media?
Going through a divorce is undeniably difficult. It’s a big upheaval for everyone involved and is an emotional and challenging time for a variety of reasons. It can be tempting to post your upset and frustration on social media, especially if you’re finding it hard to...
Differing financial views could lead to divorce
Finances and divorce are often heavily intertwined. For one thing, you do have to divide your finances when you get a divorce. But financial issues often cause the split, as well. One example is if one person loses their job and the family then struggles to make ends...