Photo of Kenneth L. Gibson Jr.
Photo of Kenneth L. Gibson Jr.
Photo of Kenneth L. Gibson Jr.

property division

What is marital property?

Marital property is the classification of property that is divided upon divorce which is why it is essential for divorcing couples to understand what marital property refers to. The other common type of property, in additional to marital property, is separate property...

Dividing property in a divorce

There are many reasons a marriage might end in divorce, and most of them involve some unpleasant emotions. However, divorce itself is a legal process, and the bulk of the work in that process is often devoted to property division. This is the process within divorce in...

Property division basics in Kentucky

Property division can be a complex topic it is important for divorcing couples to understand. In Kentucky, equitable distribution rules are followed when couples divorce to help ensure as nearly as possible that property is fairly divided between the spouses. Property...


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Photo of Kenneth L. Gibson Jr.