One of the biggest challenges for people in a marriage is communication. When two people have to make big decisions together on a regular basis — or even just decide who’ll make coffee in the morning — communication issues are almost impossible to expunge completely. Now imagine those same two people going through the end of a marriage, with all the complication, stress and frustration that affords. Communication is essential during and after divorce, but it’s still not easy.
This is especially true if you have children and will be co-parenting in any form. It’s easy to let the emotions and habits of the marriage and divorce slip into communication about children, but taking some time to simply clarify what is being said can take a lot of misunderstandings out of the equation.
While good communication skills can’t salvage a terrible situation, many couples who are struggling to co-parent might be dealing with residual emotions and judgment from the divorce. This can actually happen on both sides, and while it’s usually obvious to you when the other person is doing it, it’s often less obvious when your emotions are clouding things.
One divorce writer recommends simply asking for clarification in a way that is not defensive or accusatory. If both people can treat discussions with less emotion and more cooperation regarding the care of the child, then you can make better decisions that aren’t spurred on by hurt feelings. It’s not always possible, but it’s certainly something to strive for during post-divorce co-parenting.
Cooperation and clarity isn’t always an option, though. In some cases, the other person is truly being unreasonable or is even engaging in behavior or decision-making that could be dangerous for the child. In these cases, you have legal options even if your divorce has already been finalized, and speaking to a family law professional in Kentucky can help you understand what steps you can take.
Source: Divorced Moms, “Co-parenting: Take Off Your Armor And Put Down Your Sword,” Karen McMahon, accessed Sep. 14, 2016