Photo of Kenneth L. Gibson Jr.
Photo of Kenneth L. Gibson Jr.
Photo of Kenneth L. Gibson Jr.

Kentucky starts at joint custody and ends with a brighter future

On Behalf of | Jan 7, 2020 | child custody | 0 comments

Shared custody can be crucial to ensure a shining outcome for your children. Getting what’s best for your family after a divorce can be daunting, but you might be living in the place that gives you the best head start.

Children in single-parent homes are more likely to experience disastrous life-changing events. You could cut these numbers back with shared custody after a divorce, and Kentucky may be one of the best places for reaching a shared agreement.

Getting good grades

The National Parents Organization puts great weight into sharing equal time after a divorce, and judges each state on how well they enable the shared responsibilities of parenting. Kentucky recently passed legislation that sets the starting line for custody right in the middle and allows arrangements to move from there. This puts Kentucky at the head of the country, with Arizona as the only other state that can boast an A grade.

Follow the numbers

And this can make all the difference to your children. Households with one parent produce 71% of high school dropouts, 90% of homeless children and 63% of teen suicides. While these numbers look grim, an equal contribution from both parents could lead to more promising outcomes. Quality coparenting can help your children achieve better emotional health and social competence:

  • Fewer signs of aggressiveness
  • Reduction in disruptive actions
  • Less antisocial behavior
  • Better emotional management

Meeting in the middle

The first step is typically to come up with an agreement. When looking at terms, you’ll have to determine what works best for you and your family. A carefully crafted parenting plan can lay down rules for sharing time around major commitments.

Setting your children up for their best future could begin with your divorce, and Kentucky wants to help get you there. Take advantage of a system that defaults to sharing, and you could come up with what’s best for your family in the process.


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Photo of Kenneth L. Gibson Jr.