You had a high-conflict marriage, and you’re going through a high-conflict divorce. More than anything, you’re worried about the effect of all this conflict on your children (especially since most of the conflicts are over them).
When divorcing parents are constantly at odds over their child custody agreements and parenting plans, it may be time to hire a parenting coordinator.
What is a parenting coordinator?
Parenting coordinators can be assigned by the court (and their recommendations given significant weight), or they can be hired privately by parents on their own in an effort to resolve their differences.
A parenting coordinator specializes in facilitating communication between the warring parties and making recommendations that are fair, reasonable and customized.
What sort of things can a parenting coordinator help you work out?
Parenting coordinators are neutral third parties who focus primarily on how the family dynamics work, as well as meeting the children’s unique needs. They can help you and your co-parent negotiate such varied things as:
- Temporary adjustments to the visitation schedule when there are important events
- Issues surrounding digital access to the children by whichever parent doesn’t have physical custody at any given point
- Coordination between the parents to help meet a child’s special needs via educational services, counseling or medical care
- Communication techniques that parents can use to minimize hostilities when they have to discuss something about the children
- Decisions related to various parenting problems, including discipline, lifestyle changes, travel and more
Working with a parenting coordinator can help you avoid conflicts that can lead to prolonged court battles — but it isn’t right for every couple. Learning more about your legal options can help you better prepare for any custody conflict.